Basic Linux Commands for Beginners

A detailed list of frequently used Linux commands

Gunavaran Brihadiswaran
3 min readJan 3, 2021
Photo by Jesus Kiteque on Unsplash

For a new user, the Linux environment is not as user-friendly as Windows. It would take some time to become familiar with the terminal and terminal commands. I remember myself struggling to even traverse through the directories and doing a google search for everything.

Here is a list of some basic Linux commands that would be useful for beginners.


A. To Create a File

touch file_name

For example, if we want to create a text file named mytext, then: touch mytext.txt

B. To Edit a File

nano file_name

After editing the file, use ctrl + x to save the changes that you made. (you have to do everything using the keyboard on this text editor, even traversal)

To install nano: sudo apt install nano

C. To View a File

less file_name

Using the less command we can view the entire file. But, if we want to view only the first few lines, we can use:

head file_name

D. To Concatenate/Combine Files



Gunavaran Brihadiswaran

A Computer Science Research Student who loves to do Research, Write and Travel